WEEBLY: It's the Best! A manual


Through the ages humankind has provided customer support through a rich variety of communication methods. Help desk staff among early hominids used a series of grunts and punches to instruct cave based customers that the fire they wanted to start wasn’t working, not because the wood in question was defective as claimed, but because the customer was attempting to build the fire while standing in three feet of water. 

Even with the foggy distance of history, what these cave folk did is not all too far removed from the much more modern (and awesome) lasso tricks Old West support agents performed to illustrate the proper way to dig a well. Nor is it all that far removed, for that matter, from using a kind of digital typewriter connected to what is essentially an intelligent television set to send text based words and phrases around the world to let a customer know that the reason they can’t find any sites in their account today is not because a villainous rival hired a sorcerer to delete those sites from history, but because the customer simply logged in to their wrong account on accident. 

The world around us may change, but people remain the same. 

To help get you started as a new Weebly employee, we’ve created a training series to act as a guide to what is, for you at least, a new frontier in customer success advocation. While the less creative among us might call such a guide The Five Habits of a Highly Effective Weebly Employee or The Five Types of Weebly Questions You Receive in Heaven, we've named this guide Weebly: It’s the Best

Over the course of Weebly: It’s the Best, we’ll unveil secrets taught to us by the world’s greatest Weebly stars to enable you to unlock your full potential as an employee. 

Let's get started!