Sorry, I know it's been a couple of weeks since I hassled you with a blog post. My schedule has been hectic as I took on some freelance opportunities that were too good to turn down. You might think a hip, independent filmmaker like myself could survive solely on the beauty of the creative spirit, but I also occasionally enjoy buying fancy french fries. The kind that come with three dips.
We've so far filmed for two weeks in July, and, as always, have gotten a lot done.
Like what?
Jamie Milliken as Roger Oddcock and Aviva Seigel as God
We shot 22 more pages of script, bringing us up to 53 total pages and 53 minutes of movie. All our video and audio files now take up more than a whole heapin' terabyte of space.
That's a lot of movie for a small production.
We're proud of ourselves for what we've accomplished so far. And you should be proud of yourself in advance for all the tickets you're gonna buy to our showings. I look forward to sharing this movie with whoever happens to be reading this post. I'd say that even if it was a pile of crap, but lucky for all of us it is instead a pile of candy and diamonds.
Of course, we've still got a ways to go. What do we have planned for this coming weekend?
Bryan Beresford as Tiny and Kelly Noelke as Patti
This weekend we're shooting five scenes and eleven pages of script, with Jamie Milliken as Roger Oddcock, Erma Kyriakos as the Devil, and Scott Vermiere as Michael St. Michael all making appearances.
We'll be filming every week from now until August 26th, when we'll mostly be done and ready for a break before heading into the short homestretch of September. Start looking forward to all those future blog posts now!