Our first three weekends of shooting are complete! These are all our scheduled shoots for June, which gives us a two week break to celebrate gay pride this coming weekend, then get drunk and peer into the San Francisco fog the next weekend to see if we can maybe make out the flashes of at least one firework (seriously, in the fourteen years I've been in SF there have been only two in which the fog wasn't so thick on the 4th of July that you could barely see down the block).
What have we accomplished so far?
Tobias Dixon as Frankie Lodge
We recorded 506 GB of video and 7 GB of audio.
We shot 31 pages of script. This is 25% of the entire screenplay as written and works out to about 30 minutes of completed movie.
That's a lot. Which is why it's all the more impressive that we've finished every single day on schedule.
Who helped us have such a smooth first month of filming?
Jamie Milliken as Roger Oddcock, with Riah Gouvea as Bryce in foreground
On the cast side of things, we've had incredible performances from Jamie Milliken, Erma Kyriakos, Scott Vermiere, Riah Gouvea, Mark Knudsen, Tobias Dixon, Kelly Noelke, Bryan Beresford, Kristen Rhoades, Tricia DiGaetano, and close to thirty extras.
On the crew side of things, we've had tons of great, uh, crewing from George Sukara, Daniel Sukara, Erin Dame, Connie Ng, Land Smith-Abbinante, Tyler Jordan, Jason Mahony, Laura Beggs, Joel Shapiro, Kristen Rhoades, Josiah Greene, Jennifer Gamurot, Wyatt McGuire, and me. Not to mention that Jamie, while being the lead actor, writing the music, and recording that same music, has also been on top of wardrobe and every character looks pretty much perfect.
Now what?
Erma Kyriakos as The Devil, surrounded by extras (Joel Shapiro and Bryan Ashley)
After our two week break we'll be right back to shooting, with four weekends of filming planned for July during which time we intend to get through 35 to 45 pages of script. If all goes well, we'll be right on target to finish filming and move on to post-production in mid-September.
Check out the HELL! projects page to see more stills from our first month of filming.