The first weekend of filming for HELL! was a big success. And now there are only many more weekends left to go. Thanks to Mark Knudsen, Erma Kyriakos, Jamie Milliken, Tricia DiGaetano, Tara Navarro, Isis Starr, and all the extras for the wonderful acting.
And thanks to Erin Dame, Connie Ng, Laura Beggs, Joel Shapiro, Phoenicia Pettyjohn, Land Smith-Abbinante, Josiah Greene, Jennifer Gamurot, Wyatt McGuire, as well as George, Dan, and me for all the great crew work, even if we were a bit overstaffed on Sunday leaving a couple of you with not much to do.
Mark Knudsen as Howard Chowdermouth
How'd It Go?
We shot 9 1/2 pages of script, which is 8% of our script and represents right around 9 minutes of movie.
We recorded 200 GB of video and 2 GB of audio footage. All of which has now been backed up to three different hard drives.
We finished each day on schedule and managed to not even do a tiny bit of damage to The Lost Church in the process.
Jamie Milliken as Roger Oddcock, Tara Navarro as The Bartender, and the silhouette of Erma Kyriakos as The Devil
This weekend we're shooting 3 to 4 scenes and between 11 to 14 pages of script: 2 to 5 on Saturday and 9 on Sunday.
Our actors are Jamie Milliken as Roger Oddcock, Scott Vermeire as Michael St. Michael, Toby Dixon as Frankie Lodge, Kelly Noelke as Patti Puffybush, Bryan Beresford as Tiny Longfellow (the last three of whom make up Roger's band), and Kristen Rhoades as The Server. This weekend is also the first appearance of Chico, who will later be voiced (and played) by Aviva Siegel.